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The Happy Jiva
Online Courses
Take Your Next Step in Bhakti!
As our Happy Jiva Team travels across Australia, we want to create an online network for all the curious and spiritually inclined people that we come across. This is a way for you to stay in touch with us and also get the association and guidance that you need to incorporate spiritual principles in your day to day life and stay inspired. We have a vibrant community of experienced Bhakti Yoga Practitioners in Sydney that work with us to help you along in spiritual life!
Our online group-based courses have a nominal course fee, are conducted through ZOOM and follow a structured approach so that your initial small steps in Bhakti will mature to big strides as you advance in consciousness through the cultivation of genuine spiritual knowledge.

Our Introductory Courses
If you're interested in developing transcendental wisdom, discovering a dynamic spiritual lifestyle for yourself and regularly associating with other like-minded, kindred spirits, then go ahead and register for our courses!
Our introductory offer consists of three mini-courses that we'd love for you to partake in:
1) The Discover Your Self Course (5 sessions)
2) The Striding in Bhakti Course (5 sessions)
3) The Diving Deep in Bhakti Course (6 sessions)
These three mini-courses contain a total of 16 sessions spanning 16 weeks (1 online session per week). A break down of the courses, topics covered, the time frame and fees involved are displayed in the posters and videos below. Our sessions are currently being run using ZOOM so please make sure you have this software installed (
Note: our courses can have as many as 10 or more students in a batch however the minimum number of students we require to commence a course can be as small as 2 or 3 students. If you have friends or family whom you think may be interested, go ahead and suggest them to give it go by enrolling too - the more the merrier! Once you register by filling out the form at the bottom of the page, we'll be in touch with you shortly as to when the next series of courses will be commencing.

Mini-course 1:
5 sessions over 5 weeks.
Full price: $50, student price $30.

Mini-course 2:
5 sessions over 5 weeks.
Full price: $50, student price $30.

Mini-course 3:
6 sessions over 6 weeks.
Full price: $60, student price $36.
Register for Wave 1
Introductory Courses Registration Form
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